Dr. Kanika Kapur returns to WGHS for Junior School Speech Day
Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Before the end of term we welcomed back Dr Kanika Kapur (OG 2011) as the speaker at Junior School Speech day. 

On Friday, 28th July, Wakefield Girls’ Junior Section celebrated their community and remarkable students at Speech day in Jubilee Hall. Speech Day, an annual event, recognizes prize winners and honours all students’ achievements.

Dr. Kapur, a medical advisor at Johnson & Johnson, returned to share her journey and present prizes to our students. She spoke eloquently about her time as a High School girl and some of her favourite memories - including turning up a whole day early on her first day! 

It was fascinating to hear about her journey after WGHS, heading to Newcastle Medical School after year 13 and training as a Doctor. It was whilst completing a second degree in Global Health in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic that she took the brave decision to change career path into a new and exciting area which has led her to her current role.   

Dr Kapur reflected that many of the lessons and life skills she learned at school have helped her in her journey to today, noting:

‘If someone had told the 11-year-old me in primary school what I would be doing today, I wouldn’t have believed it. My goals and ideas have changed with time and although there have been challenges and difficult decisions along the way I am grateful for the journey I have been on’

It is wonderful when WGHS alumnae return to school to share their personal and professional journeys and how values and character traits developed at Wakefield Girls’ have helped them achieve the remarkable things they have gone on to do. We are fortunate that so many of you support the School in this way, thank you. 

Our huge thanks to Dr. Kapur, alongside our other guest speakers The Right Worshipful Mayor of Wakefield Mr Darren Byfordand Vice Chair of the Governing Body Mrs Kathryn Morgan.